Since 2010, the ASIrri project has supported FWUC representatives to join together to set up a federation named Farmers & Water Net (FWN), Kasekor Neng Teuk in Khmer.
The FWN was officially established on the 26th of May 2011 when 12 FWUC from 8 provinces became its founder members:
- Ponley (Banteay Meanchey)
- Baray Teuk Thla (Siem Reap)
- Trov Kod (Siem Reap)
- Stung Chinit (Kampong Thom)
- Pram Kompheak (Kampong Cham)
- Teuk Chha (Kampong Cham)
- Kouk Thnot (Kampong Cham)
- Sdao Kong (Prey Veng)
- Prek Ta Roat Ta Ong (Kandal)
- O Treng (Kampong Speu)
- O Veng (Kampong Speu)
- Prey Nup (Preah Sihanouk)
The objectives of FWN are to:
- Share experiences between FWUC representatives
- Encourage quality and transparency for scheme management
- Identify appropriate solutions for operation and maintenance of irrigation schemes
- Identify support and resources for FWUC
- Promote the members and the FWUC role to development partners and government
- Represent the members interests and opinions at national level
The FWN will be a key partner of ISC for developing services in the future. The FWN became a founder member of the ISC in October 2011 and its representatives is the ISC treasurer and member of ISC management board.
En savoir plus
Main events of FWN in 2010 and 2011:
The ISC started supporting the FWN in March 2010. The ISC facilitated meetings, exchange visits:
- 2010: 2 meetings in Phnom Penh, 1 exchange visit in Baray (Siem Reap)
- 2011: 2 exchange visits in Stung Chinit and Prey Nup
In March - April 2011, the ISC team has conducted participatory evaluation of all FWN members.
On 25-26 May 2011, the General Assembly was organized to validate the FWN statutes, membership and to elect a board. At this occasion, M. Yim Boy, President of Prey Nup, was elected president of FWN.
Next step / Planning of FWN for 2011-2012:
- FWN will write a letter to Minister of MOWRAM to inform about FWN;
- Register FWN at Ministry of Interior;
- Print FWN statute (50 copies);
- Prepare FWN activities and budget plan for 2012;
- Participate in ISC workshop end of November 2011;
- FWN management board meeting for 1 time.
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